The Master of Artificial Intelligence classroom experience

The Master of Artificial Intelligence classroom experience

RMIT’s Associate Professor Minh Dinh offers a glimpse into what it’s like to study in a Master of Artificial Intelligence classroom. From course learning to study hour ratios and lecturer availability, check out the article to find out all the answers

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to sit in on a technology master’s class? Are there group assignments? Is it all just maths? Are the lecturers strict or helpful? 

Recently Associate Professor Minh Dinh, Program Manager for the Master of Artificial Intelligence and Deputy Dean for Research and Innovation at RMIT, spoke about the typical classroom experience and gave some tips on how to study while in a technology master’s program. 

Amongst all the courses in the Master of Artificial Intelligence, there is only one outlier, which is the AI Professional class. This course has more writing, debates and essays, whereas all other courses are technical, and students must be evaluated through exercises, coding assignments, projects and take-home exercises.  

Postgraduate students discussing codes on a screen

“Usually, we split the time between lecture and lab,” Dr. Dinh states. “Asking our students to do a 3-hour workshop over the weekend benefits them because they can put something ‘theoretical’ into practice quickly. We also ask different students to implement different techniques to solve a single problem. Afterwards we compare and contrast the different techniques, seeing how they are complimentary to each other and discuss the overall solution.” 

When asked about the ratio between teacher-led learning hours to the number students are expected for self-study, Dr. Dinh notes that although each course is different, he typically expects the ratio to be 1:3. Thus is a class runs for 3 hours, students should spend 9 hours on their own, developing their knowledge. 

Dr. Dinh relates that across the program and all courses, “communication is quite strong.  Lecturers will give examples for performance markers, will give very clear instructions and reminders for upcoming assignments or exercises. Lecturers too can be reached through the school's communication channels, so students can expect consistent feedback with clear information on how the student can improve.”


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